Diamond Sashiko 2 Purple Sashiko Placemat Kit – 100% Cotton


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Diamond Sashiko Placemat Kit – this is a kit to make 2 Sashiko placemats in purple cotton with white cotton stitch work on the front. Sashiko is a ancient form of mending from Japan and has been adopted more recently as a fashionable way of adding decor to your home. All things Japanese are very popular at the moment and these placemats are a great way of adding them into your home styling. Sashiko is a simple stitch to learn as it is just an even neat running stitch and these placemats are just as easy to put together.
Included in the kit – Purple Cotton front and back with the front marked out, White Sashiko thread, Long Sashiko needle, Thermalam wadding, Template and instructions.

Happy Stitching
Beth x